Middle-Earth Online Site Update

Turbine’s official Middle-Earth Online website has been updated with information about the Squire class. Here’s a snip from the Squire’s sub-classes:

Knight: Like the valiant Númenoreans of old, Knights lend courage and strength to their allies. Though seasoned by strife and toughened by clash of arms, their hearts are merciful. Stalwart towers against the foe, they willingly expose themselves to greater danger in the aid of others. The valor of a Knight like Faramir can turn the tide of battle.

Tyrant: Warlike and strong, Tyrants do not lead by shining example, but by force. They inspire fear in their underlings, sapping their vigour but driving them into a battle-frenzy. Their minions fear the Tyrant’s wrath, which is more fearsome than the weapons of their foes.

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