Middle-Earth Online Interview

Warcry has published an interview with George Ziets from Turbine Nation 2004, in which the quest designer discusses his involvement with Middle-Earth Online and his fetish with… chickens. Here’s a little something to get you started:

Q: What is the one thing you want the fans of MEO to know more than anything?

A: I would say, keep posting on the MEO Forums and stay involved in community! Sometimes it may not seem like it, but we really do read the boards and definitely are interested in what you have to say. If I can wax nostalgic about the Earth & Beyond Beta, I actually used to go through the forums and read every post I could find about quests & NPCs and things that I worked on. I didn’t always respond, and we can’t make everyone happy, but the cool thing about this medium is that there is an ongoing dialog with the community, so we can see how they react and tailor our designs to their needs I find the feedback to be incredibly awesome, so keep it up!

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