Middle-Earth Online Interview

Stratics has conducted an interview with Teos, one of Turbine’s employees involved with Middle-Earth Online. Check it out:

Q: What kind of rewards will the characters get upon completing a quest (ex. Gold, armor, weapons, etc.)? Will there be quests that give out random awards (meaning can one quest give you either a weapon or armor)?

A: You name it, you could get it from a quest. Skills, weapons, armor, items, cash, virtually anything in the game could make a potential quest reward. It’s a bit early to get into too much detail, but suffice to say that we have a lot of flexibility here and are planning to use it. Rewards won’t necessarily always be the same from quest to quest, but randomizing will generally only be for smaller rewards. It’ll be fun to have a bit of mystery at the end of a quest from time to time, and we will take advantage of that, but more often than not, people will want to know what they are working for.

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