Matt Firor Interview

HomeLAN has conducted an interview with Matt Firor of Mythic Entertainment concerning their upcoming MMORPG, Dark Age of Camelot. Here’s a taste:

    HomeLAN – The game touts its Player vs. Player system as a vital part of Camelot. How have you managed to balance the popularity of this feature with the abuse that other massively online games have had to deal with when they have PvP?

    Matt Firor – The basis of the game is that people in your realm are your friends and cannot be attacked. At higher levels, though, if you choose, you can go out into the Frontier areas of the world and engage players from other Realms in PvP. We have a territorial conquest system in place, where Realms can take over keeps and steal Relics — all of which give the player a sense of purpose in PvP. If you don’t want to participate, then you simply don’t go to those areas, and you won’t be killed by an enemy player.

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