Matt Barton “Announces” Untilted Kickstarter Project

RPG community veteran Matt Barton has just announced a brand-new game project he plans to launch on Kickstarter, tentatively called Untitled. Matt, who proclaims to be the creative mind behind Doom, Everquest, Tetris, and more, will be asking for a sum of $100 million to fund his game – no doubt inspired by the likes of Project Eternity and Wasteland 2, he thinks he can beat out both Obsidian and inXile.  He proudly boasts that Untitled involves “a conflict between two or more forces in a setting”, and it will innovate by including elements from role-playing games, strategy games, adventure games, tower defense games, puzzle games, which combined will not resemble the final game at all.  We can also look forward to copious amounts of DRM, because nothing says old-school like invasive copy protection schemes.

His Kickstarter pledge video can be found here – we highly recommend you give it a look!

After days of planning and hours of editing, I have finally completed my Kickstarter announcement video. Please pledge right now to help me reach my funding goal of 100 million dollars in 30 days. That may sound like a large sum, but when you hear this pitch and what I’m planning, I think you’ll agree it’s well worth taking out a second mortgage on your home.

I can’t reveal too much without spoiling the game’s many twists and surprises, but following are some FAQs and my responses.

Can you describe exactly the kind of game you’re proposing here?
Of course. In short, this will be a game with a system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, defined by rules, that results in a quantifiable outcome. That’s about as specific as I can be at this point, but hopefully that answers your question.

$100 million doesn’t seem like enough money to make an indie game. How will you budget it out?
You’re absolutely right–just the martinis, spa treatments, Belgian chocolates, and Star Wars collectibles for the office can quickly reach upwards of a million. Of course I also have a taste for exotic ales that has to be factored in. But I think there should be at least enough left over to pay an amateur coder a part-time salary to do the heavy lifting. I’m also planning on including art and perhaps some public domain music.

Will it have rats in it?
Who the hell do you think you’re talking to here? Okay, that’s all the time I have for answering questions. Now pledge!!!

Has Matt been hiding hidden game design genius all along? Will Untitled take the world by storm? Or is it all just an elaborate hoax? Hopefully we will soon have more details on this breathtaking development.

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Eric Schwarz
Eric Schwarz
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