Mass Effect 3 Video Interview

Computer and Videogames is offering a video preview with BioWare’s associate producer Mike Gamble in which a variety of subjects get tackled, from the return of more RPG elements to the franchise to more realistic facial animations, and CVG choses to emphasize the latter:

“We want to be able to accent eye movement a little bit more. Subtle movements in the face give away a lot,” said Gamble.

“That’s key to story-telling. Obviously most people know, when you’re communicating with someone, the non-verbal cues are just as important if not more important than the verbal cues. We want to bring those to life more.

“We think that we’ve actually pushed that a little bit further with Mass Effect 3,” he continued. “There’s obviously a whole plethora of things we could do given enough time with movies and CG animation. We just want to keep moving down that path.”

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