Mass Effect 3 Preview

IGN isn’t done writing on Mass Effect 3 just yet, as the editors there have put online the second part of their preview, this time focusing on choices & consequences. There’s actually very little info on the game proper, but it offers an insight on what BioWare wants to accomplish if nothing else. Here’s a snippet:

One example of these unifying missions comes about halfway through Mass Effect 3. Shepard and crew have journeyed to the Salarian homeworld, Sur’Kesh, to rescue a Krogan princess. Yes, she’s crazy hot. The princess in question is the key to uniting a divided Krogan homeworld. Mordin Solus is assisting (it is his home planet after all), and naturally the Krogan clan leader Wrex Urdnot has quite an interest in the princess.

But wait, is that team even possible in your version of Mass Effect 3? This is where the branching paths of the first two games begin to really affect the final battle against the Reapers. What if you killed Wrex in the first game? What if Mordin died at the end of Mass Effect 2? What if you gave thumbs up to the Genophage? It’s unclear how these choices affect the missions — maybe losing Mordin just means another character is there in his place — but in some cases the differences should be significant.

Mass Effect 3 Executive Producer Casey Hudson says that “all things contribute to the war effort.” Meaning every major decision from the first two games has an impact. The relationships you’ve built, and those you need to build going forward, matter.

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