Mass Effect 3 Preview

IGN looks forward to seeing Mass Effect 3 at E3 by summing up what we know so far and what they expect or hope to see at E3 in their Road to E3 feature.

We’re also curious as to how you will recruit civilizations. Will it be possible to recruit everybody or will it be more like Dragon Age: Origins where you must choose to side with certain people and alienate (or kill) others in the process? BioWare may be saving this aspect for later in the development cycle, but there’s still a chance we’ll hear more about it at E3.

What we really want to see is the new customization interface and skill trees and I think that’s a realistic expectation for the E3 demo. BioWare will want to show off that Mass Effect is still very much an “RPG” to help appease those were unhappy with the drastic changes in Mass Effect 2.

Finally, every Mass Effect fan is dying to know the entire list of returning characters as right now only a handful of favorites have been confirmed. I’m sure BioWare will release a few more returning characters at E3, but not the whole list.

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