Mass Effect 3 Pre-orders Well Above Expectations

MCV is sharing a few comments made by EA product manager Will Graham about the enormous marketing campaign they have planned for Mass Effect 3 and how they’ve already surpassed their pre-sale targets. This is good news, I suppose, but I’m growing weary of Metacritic being used as the sole indicator of a quality video game:

On top of this, Electronic Arts is building a ‘˜triple-A campaign’ to support the game, the publisher told MCV.

(TV, cinema, online, print and outdoor activity will help capture the mainstream audience,) said EA product manager Will Graham.

(For the core Mass Effect fan, we’ve been building on the immersive nature of the game with a host of trailers, social media activity and fan site activation.

(Currently our pre-orders have broken the targets set, we are well ahead of where we were at the same point with Mass Effect 2 and we have all of the platforms aligned for launch, which is a first for the Mass Effect franchise,) Graham added.

(Mass Effect 3 follows on from a 96 Metacritic-rated game and everything suggests that the third iteration in the franchise is going to have the same, if not better, quality.)

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