Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Demonstration and Live Chat on Monday

EA has just announced that Mass Effect 3 senior combat designer Corey Gaspur will be taking us through a live multiplayer demonstration of the game while also answering community questions at 12:00pm PST on Monday, February 13th. You can even sign up for an email reminder, should you be determined to be in attendance.

Join Mass Effect 3 Senior Combat Designer Corey Gaspur for an exclusive run-through and live Q&A of the upcoming Mass Effect 3 multi-player demo Monday, February 13.

Starting at 12:00 p.m. PST, the team at BioWare will be giving you a first-hand look at the exciting Mass Effect 3 multi-player demo. Want to make sure you remember? Sign up for a reminder by entering your email in the (Cover It Live) box to your right.

Want to play the demo yourself? Of course you do! Visit the official Mass Effect 3 site for details on how to get access to both the single-player and multi-player demos. And, of course, you can pre-order your copy on Origin today and get the exclusive AT12 Raider Shotgun.

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