Mark Jacobs Interview

RPGVault has conducted an interview with Mark Jacobs of Mythic Entertainment, in which they talk about his start in the gaming industry and online gaming in general. An excerpt:

    Q: Do you think the audience or market for online worlds will expand quickly enough to support all or at least most of the titles that are in development?

    A: No question about it. As I’ve said for years, we are nowhere near market saturation. If the history of the computer games industry has taught us anything, it is that those people who think that the first few years of any real market expansion mean that the market is reaching critical mass are missing a critical brain cell or two. If you just look at the last three years, people were saying that after UO the market couldn’t support another MMORPG. Then EQ came out and many of the same people were saying that now the market is really saturated. Then AC, WWIIO, AO and us. We have a long way to go before the market, even for hardcore games, is even remotely saturated. I think it is far more likely that the growth in market will exceed the ability of the developers to produce great product.

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