LucasArts Internal Memo Surfaces

According to an internal memo sent out by LucasArts’ Jim Ward, employees will not be receiving their yearly bonus due to the company’s financial situation. Here’s the entire memo, thanks to


As you know, we have just completed the annual appraisal process along with the allocation of merit increases. Along the way, members of the senior staff, in a responsible and commendable act, recommended to me, given the financial situation of the company, that there be no bonuses distributed this year. I’m writing to let you know that, regrettably, I agree with their recommendation and have made the decision that there will be no bonuses distributed this year for the entire company. I know this is disappointing news, but it’s what we need to do.

In the eight or so weeks since I’ve been here, I’ve met and talked with many of you. And I’m going to get to all of you, believe me. But you need to know that I’m encouraged, amazed and inspired by the continued commitment and desire of everyone in this company to make LucasArts a better place. A place where we will make insanely great games that are the right insanely great games for the marketplace. Insanely great games that will sell to a broad consumer audience launch when they’re supposed to and, at the end of the day, yield a profit for the entire company. Insanely great games that will restore the luster to the LucasArts logo so that when we, and our consumers, see it on our packaging and on our games, we’ll all know that the Gold Guy is once again the mark of leading edge innovation, creativity and amazing fun.

But, unfortunately, we’re not there yet. And as I look ahead, I realize we have some very tough challenges in all areas of our business. Our performance, qualitatively, strategically and financially, just isn’t there. One of the primary consequences of this lack of performance is that we have to make some tough decisions, like this one, to get back on track.

As many of you know, we have undertaken a critical analysis of our company, our industry, our competitors and our consumers in order to develop a strategic plan that will allow us to make those insanely great games and deliver a level of profitability. I will be coming to you in the Fall time-frame with that plan. In the meantime we have critical milestones to achieve for each and every one of our games that are currently in development. All of us, together, must now take a stand, dig in, focus and commit to doing everything humanly possible to make these games a success. Take a step back and question the norm. Challenge the status quo. Satisfy yourself that we are making the greatest games possible, meeting our deadlines and doing so in the most cost-effective way.

And realize that each and every one of you IS a member of the team. You have a duty and a responsibility to speak up if you’re dissatisfied with quality, timing or fiscal responsibility. I encourage you, and demand of you, that you take an active role in pushing our own envelope. I promise, you will be listened to. But once you are heard, do something about it. Make a difference. Effect change. Make Battlefront, Galaxies, KOTOR II, Mercenaries, Republic Commando and the Episode III games the best that they can be.

Again, I know the lack of bonuses this year is disappointing news. It’s simply what must be done. But you have my commitment, my desire and my devotion to make LucasArts the most creative, innovative and insanely great interactive entertainment company in the industry. I hope I can count on you to do the same.

Jim Ward

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