Lotsa Version 1.50 Changes

Sanya has been busy today posting several patch notes on Camelot Herald, including v1.50G, v1.50H, and some extra clarifications. Here’s a snippet from the latter:

    Tomorrow’s patch will be a little lighter than the previous notes would suggest – we are taking out the heal-breaks-mez change. Basically, here at Mythic, we did two things in version 1.50 that has been in testing for the last few weeks. We introduced “purge,” the new realm skill that wipes out mez (as well as all other negative effects). We also made a change where any heal spell cast on a mezzed, fully healthy player would break the mez.

    Thanks to the feedback of the Pendragon community, we have decided that both changes at once might be too extreme, and that a more incremental approach is a better choice. We’re just going to go with adding purge for now, and closely watch the effect of that change before we add further mez-reducing options.

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