Lots More Equipment

Well, unfortunately, Pool of Radiance has been pushed back until tomorrow, but at least you get to check out all this nifty equipment while you’re waiting…

Updated Pages: Amulets (includes Amulet of Protection +2, Amulet of Rolling Smoke, Amulet of Strength, Medallion of Defense, Necklace of Magic Resistance, and Necklace of Safe Footfalls), Arrows (includes Arrow of Dire Flatulence, Arrow +2, Drow Quiver of Assassin’s Arrows, and Quiver of Arrows +3), Axes (includes Hand Axe +4 and Helm Cleaver), Boots (includes Boots of Grace and Boots of Stalking), Daggers (includes Dagger +2, Dagger +3, Dagger +4, Dagger +5, Drow Assassin’s Dagger, Druell’s Kiss, and Jeweled Dagger +2), Hammers (includes Hammer Veneficus and Wings of Diabolicus), Rings (includes Feather of Shar, Garras’s Keen Sight, Gong of Tyr, Milla’s Blessing, Misery’s Embrace, and Veil of Vanity), Shortbows (includes Bow of Accuracy, Drow Shortbow +5, Shortbow +1, and Shortbow +4)

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