Lords of Xulima Random Encounters Blog

The folks at Numantian Games have published a new development blog focused on random encounters in their upcoming indie RPG Lords of Xulima. Here’s a sampling from it:

Enemy Areas

Random encounters will be limited to Enemy Areas. These zones always have signs indicating when you are entering. Also, the interface lets you know in a space next to the map if there are enemies in the nearby or not. This way the player knows when an ambush is a possibility and can plan their strategy accordingly.

Finite and Unique Encounters

Different than the majority of RPGs, in Lords of Xulima random encounters are finite and unique.

Traditionally, random encounters are infinite. Even if you stayed in an area of no more than 50 square yards, you could encounter and kill thousands of enemies.

In Lords of Xulima, every encounter has its own identity and the game keeps track of your successes and failures. No two encounters are the exactly the same, with the same types and numbers of enemies.

Once you have finished all of the enemies in an area, both those that are fixed on the map and those that are randomly generated, the area then stays clear of enemies. Also, the player gains a bonus in experience and is free to explore the area free from enemy impediments.

Player Options Before the Encounter

The player has different options available to avoid combat should he wish to do so. For one, he can try to flee, the chances of successfully running away are calculated by comparing the party’s speed to that of the enemy.

He can also attempt to hide to avoid the enemy. The Explorer has a Camouflage skill that allows him to use his knowledge of nature to hide the group instead of fighting in the encounter, but he will have to use some of his ability points to do so. The number of points that he will need to spend will depend on the level of the encounter. The player can develop this skill to lessen the cost and thus gain the ability to use the skill more frequently. The party even gains a small amount of experience for successfully evading the enemy.

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