Lords of Xulima Kickstarter Updates #6-7, $$15,552 and Counting

With every passing day, the Lords of Xulima Kickstarter campaign is getting closer to its first stretch goal, the Divine Summoner class, but in the meantime the folks at Numantian Games have seen fit to release a couple of updates for the project. The first includes a look at the new title cover and some new rewards, while the second has an in-depth look at the mechanics surrounding traps.

We’ve already heard about traps during the IndieGoGo campaign, but here’s a quote to refresh your memory:

The traps we will talk about today are those that are hidden from sight and are only triggered once. These are traps that can be found on the dungeon floor or in the locks of chests and doors

How are they detected?

Detection works automatically. As you get close to a trap your party members will use their perception skill. Based on the complexity of the trap and the party’s ability, there will be a roll to see if you discover the trap. If you succeed, a red zone will appear on the trapped area. Every time you move another attempt will be made to locate objects like traps and hidden doors. It’s a good idea to search an area carefully!

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