Lords of Xulima Kickstarter Update #15, $23,885 and Counting

The folks at Numantian Games have been updating their Kickstarter campaign pretty often lately, and chose to talk about the Hall of Heroes of Varaskel for their latest update. Here’s a snip:

So, what is the Hall of Heroes?

The Hall of Heroes is an enormous mausoleum dedicated to the heroes who fought in the great war against the ogres, the war known as (First Blood).

When the Xulnari gave life to the first humans in Xulima, the humans found themselves in the middle of a vast continent dominated by their last creation, the ogre race. It did not take much time before war broke out. The ogres were numerous and fierce and soon began to decimate the humans. A mere 400 years after they first came into existence, the humans soon found themselves on the brink of extinction.

The Twenty Heroes

At that moment the Lords of Xulima chose to subtly intervene in the conflict. They chose 20 of the most gifted humans and bestowed upon them gifts and wisdom to strengthen their cause. The twenty became powerful and, above all, intelligent, and just when it seemed that the fate of men was sealed, they rose up and led their armies to victory.

The ogres quickly learned to fear them and withdrew. Defeated, the ogre race diminished and those that were left became wild, nomadic creatures who inhabit the remote places of Xulima.

In gratitude, the humans built the Hall of Heroes in the region of Varaskel and erected a statue for each of their deliverers with inscriptions bearing their names and deeds. In times past, people from all regions traveled far to visit the statues and lay flowers and gold coins at the feet of their heroes in thanks for saving the human race.

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