Lords of EverQuest Reviews

Three of the bigger entertainment sites give Sony’s Lords of EverQuest mediocre reviews. The first is at GameSpot with a 5.5/10:

Lords of EverQuest ends up being a disappointing addition to the real-time strategy genre. What could have been an interesting premise and story ends up being a massive bore. The units just aren’t fun to use or even interesting to look at. Nothing in the game is memorable or original. Real-time strategy fans could easily find 2-year-old games that play, sound, and look much better than this one. Diehard EverQuest fans may find some redeeming value in a strategy game that features the iksar and the frogloks, but even they are advised to shy away from purchasing the game.

The second is at IGN PC with a 6.5/10:

You’d think a budget-laden group like SOE could have taken its time to create a truly compelling and lasting experience as it has with EverQuest. However, in apparently going for as much mainstream appeal as possible, they’ve let core elements go by the wayside. Eliminating all resources but money allows for more focus on combat–but combat isn’t all that interesting. And units take a long time to create, and a long time to kill. This wouldn’t be so noticeable if you were more busied with gathering other resources, building things, and scouting the enemy. In the end, Lords will probably sell on name recognition alone, but hopefully it’s mediocrity and irritating design decisions won’t lower the bar for others.

And the third is at UGO with an overall score of “C”:

Lords of EverQuest tries to straddle the line between RPG and RTS, but only occasionally gets either right. Most gamers won’t find any need to go back and replay the game using the other four lords, unless they feel an affinity for each race. In the end, Lords of EverQuest will appeal mostly to fantasy freaks who’ve beaten Blizzards latest offerings or EQ fans looking to fill their time before EverQuest II’s release early next year.

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