Lord of the Rings: The Third Age Reviews

A trio of positive reviews have surfaced on the web for EA’s Middle-Earth RPG, Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. The first is at RPGDot with an overall score of 87%:

Overall, we both highly enjoyed playing LotR: The Third Age. It was a good, fun game. It had an engaging storyline, and a more than adequate graphics and soundtrack element throughout the game…ambient sounds were crisp and appropriate, and the voice acting was top notch (which, when you consider that the “voice acting” was done from the voices of the actual actors and actresses in the movie trilogy, is not surprising). And though I, at least, am not necessarily appreciative of “turn-based” combat in an RPG – the concept worked out well enough in this particular game.

The second is at GamesMainFrame with an overall score of 8.5/10:

Bonus stuffs in the game include Evil Mode, which is an alternate way to play the game and is unlockable at any point, allowing you to play as some of the more evil characters in the game and oppose the characters you’d play as in the regular game. Also is special scenes from the movie which are available after beating certain parts of the game. These scenes are narrated by the movie’s Sir Ian McKellen and tell the history of certain locations, wars, and just plain tidbits about the movie and game.
Lord of the Rings: the Third Age is a great buy for any Final Fantasy fan. It’s in-depth storyline and realisticness make it an excellent addition to anyone’s collection.

And the third is at GameXC with an overall score of 8/10:

This game adds up to a nice, simple RPG. Not one for the records and not one for the complicated, but it does add a nice twist on the Lord of the Rings. For someone like me, this game is everything I wanted. Yet the gameplay is plagued with lack of innovation and things that just aren’t up to standards. The presentation is great, but the worth drops if you aren’t into Lord of the Rings.

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