Lord of the Rings: The Third Age Preview

GameSpot has put together a two-page preview of Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, the upcoming Middle-Earth RPG from Electronic Arts. Take a look:

Visually, the game is coming along nicely. The characters are detailed well, and when you find new equipment for them, the corresponding item on the model will change when it’s equipped. There seems to be a good variety of various armor, weapons, and accessories to find. The character animations still look a little funny at times, but the game is still undergoing some polish for its release. The lands you’ll pass through on your journeys are looking quite nice, from the mist-shrouded, dead forests just outside Moria to the rushing waterfalls you’ll see in forests and caves to the various ancient ruins and elegant elf structures you’ll come across. There are amusing little details too, like when your characters are struck with arrows in battle, the arrows continue to bristle from that person’s body for a period of time before they begin to fade.

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