Living Up to the Hype

GameSpy has posted an article entitled “Living Up to the Hype” that takes a look at BioWare’s upcoming Neverwinter Nights and whether or not it’s going to live up to the expectations of its enormous fanbase. Here’s a snippet:

    This is certainly not a new thing. We got to see it just last year in the case of Black & White. If it seems as though I’m harping on Lionhead’s last title, I am. They had the chance to change the face of gaming, and while the game had its successes, the overall effect was some oohs and aahs at the nifty AI tech, and not much else.

    Can BioWare avoid this same problem? Can they overcome the slavering anticipation of countless fans who have come to believe, devoutly, that the release of NWN will be of greater historical impact than the potential return of Christ?

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