Lionheart Timeline #3

RPGVault continues their Lionheart timeline with the addition of The Fourth Crusade Against the Storm Dragons. An excerpt to follow:

    By the year 1218, Germany and France had been liberated, and in 1220, England was also free of the dragons. In 1222, the crusaders marshalled a vast navy to sail against the dragons in Norway and attack the heart of the dragon’s empire, the glacial fortress of Icingspire. However, the sea invasion proved disastrous, as the Frost Drakes had summoned their water brethren, the Kraken, to aid them. The devastating tidal waves and monsoons summoned by the sea dwelling dragons sank the crusaders’ navy. The largest of the Kraken capsized and tore apart the fleet’s flagship, the vessel of King Richard the Lionheart, and it was presumed the great crusader perished in the churning waters.
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