Lionheart Skills @ RPGDot

The guys at RPGDot let us know that they’ve added a second Lionheart feature to their site, this time focusing on the various skills that will be available to characters in the upcoming RPG. Here’s a peek at a couple of the noncombat ones:

    Sneak: When fighting doesn’t seem like the best option and you need to get by somebody (or something), sneaking past them might be a solution. When you Sneak in Lionheart, your ability is checked whenever you approach an enemy and if you are successful they are blissfully unaware of your presence. Sneaking earns you experience points and is usually far less dangerous than charging into battle. High Sneak skill also gives you access to some Perks like Backstab.

    Barter: Once you have freed all that loot from the clutches of your defeated opponents, you are going to want to do something with it. Quite often you’ll find something you want to use, but more often it’s easier to sell that loot and buy exactly the item you are looking for. Barter measures a characters ability to negotiate with merchants. The higher your Barter skill, the more favorable a merchant’s buy and sell prices will be. (For all you Fallout fans who are asking ‘Where are the dialogue skills?’ we removed them in favor of using just attributes like Charisma and Intelligence combined with certain Perks like Outwit. Because of the fantasy setting and the action emphasis of Lionheart, the knowledge type skills were removed and replaced with the wide range of magic spells.)

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