Lionheart Q&A #16

The sixteenth installment of RPGVault’s Lionheart Q&A feature has been posted, asking the Reflexive team about what elements have been found to be more useful than originally expected. Here’s a taste:

Dan Ruskin, Designer: When playing a melee character, I found that Vampiric Fury was an excellent Demokin racial trait. I had initially thought that it would be useful, but not to the extent that it turned out to be. It provides the character with the ability to heal from each successful hit made on enemies. You get 10% of the damage dealt added to your hit points, so for a 10-point hit you would get one back. The trade-off is that all healing spells, potions and sprits only give you half of the usual hit points.

This turned out to be much more useful than I had predicted. When combined with a decent healing rate, I found I didn’t have to rely on as many healing potions or spells. I could wreak havoc on my enemies while remaining healthy enough to keep moving without much down time.

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