Lionheart Item Feature #7

RPGDot has posted the seventh installment of their Lionheart item feature. This time, they take a look at the Plate Mail of Crippling and Titan Bones and the Belt of Voodoo. Check it out:

Plate Mail of Crippling and Titan Bones

+30 AC, +8 Crushing and Slashing Resist, +1 Crushing and Slashing Threshold, +10 Piercing Resist, -10 Electrical Resist, -15 Sneak Skill, Walking speed -10%, -10 to Evasion Skill. Because this armor is infused with the spirit of a slain titan, the wearer of this remarkable armor is granted a +2 Strength bonus. Other enchantments allow the wearer to deliver critical hits 10 percent more often. (Developer’s Note: The exact amount of Strength bonus and Critical Chance bonus is determined by the power of the individual when found. Exact game numbers will vary, depending upon how powerful the character was when the item was discovered. Also, there can be 1-3 magic additions put onto most magical armor. This one has two.)

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