Lionheart Interview

Game2Extreme has posted an interview with Reflexive’s Ion Hardie, asking the Lead Designer and Co-Producer several questions about the upcoming Lionheart. Check it out:

Q: What sort of enemies have you tossed into the mix? Are there any that stand out in your opinion that are really fun to take on?

A: One of my favorites is Lava Trolls. They call lava from the ground below them and (stomp) it in all directions. It is fun to beef up your fire protection and then wade into them, hacking them up. I also like the Rock Titans. They are big, and are very satisfying to take down. In addition, I still have a memory of trying to back out of a battle with one, and having him call a devastating lightning bolt from the sky as I was running away and killing me on the spot. I took particular pleasure in killing them in subsequent games after that.

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