Lionhead Studios’ E3 Report

The Lionhead Times website has been updated with a report detailing Lionhead Studios’ experiences at this year’s E3. Here’s a snip about Fable:

Last but not least; Fable. Firstly let me say the boys from Microsoft Game studios did an amazing job at demoing, it inspired me. Remember it was my first time showing a game on a showfloor, but I really enjoyed it. From day one to day three there had been a queue of people lining up to play it, non stop. Some people didn’t want to give the controller back to me; others just stood there and kept watching people play and demo. Fable was also being shown on the Hero Wall on the Xbox booth, next to Doom 3, Jade Empire and Forza. This speaks for itself, I think.

Apart from some minor personal dislikes about certain parts of the game there were mainly positive and surprised reactions. Of course the question to get completely rid of halos and horns was mentioned a lot. The majority of people who didn’t judge it from a subjective point of view really liked it for what the demo was. Most of the promises that have been made throughout the years have been met, and that’s an incredible achievement in its own right. No one game can hope for universal appeal but I am pretty confident the majority of gamers will really love and appreciate this little jewel. Fable is addictive and you get sucked into it straight away.

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