Lineage II Interview

FileFront has conducted an interview with Aaron Rigby, the North American producer for Lineage II, in which they discuss several different aspects of the MMORPG. A snip:

Q: Lineage II is a prequel, rather than a sequel, to Lineage. In many gamers’ eyes this move may seem a little strange. What drove the development team to choose to make the new game the foreground of the original?

A: The team wanted to create a game that had a lot of intrigue and. well, chaos. Lineage has an extensive backstory and is a successful title, so the team wanted to build on that. We could have done something in sequence, but frankly, that happens all the time. We thought it would be more fun to go backwards, to a time before there was any sense of decency or organization and create a world based on that.

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