Leipzig Games Convention Overview

Gamers With Jobs has kicked up an article that details several games that were on display at this year’s Leipzig Games Convention, including RPGs such as Gothic III and Titan Quest. A snip about the latter:

Iron Lore does not reinvent the wheel, but what makes Titan Quest a game one, without any doubt, needs to keep an eye on is the point that they take all these elements, polish them immensely and put them together, forming what could turn out to be a very immersive experience. At this point it’s already safe to say that the final product will not disappoint on the visual side of things. If the game design department makes it to fill all these aspects with life by creating characters one actually can care about and tasks that go beyond your standard series of fetch quests, then, ladies and gentlemen, Titan Quest will be a strong contender in the ‘best action-RPG of the year’ category in 2006.

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