Legends of Aranna Preview

LoadedInc has put together a preview of Legends of Aranna, the upcoming expansion for Dungeon Siege. A snippet to follow:

The preview version we’ve been playing features just about everything from the final game. We’ve been busy losing sleep and working our way through it, and I have to say, it’s been cracking fun so far. Players of the original should keep in mind that they won’t be able to bring over their super strong characters from the first game, you’ll need to start at level one again but this game is vast for an expansion so there’s ample opportunity to level up. As far as we’re concerned this is a good thing, it makes this expansion feel like a whole new game which was Gas Powered Games’ intention all along. The good news for gamers who’ve not ventured in to the Kingdom of Ehb in the first game is that the expansion will ship with the first game included. Now that’s value. Look out for Legends of Aranna next month and keep your eyes peeled top Loadedinc for new shots before release.

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