Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown Leaves Early Access

Earlier this year, Silver Lemur Games launched their Might and Magic-inspired dungeon crawling RPG Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown into Steam Early Access. In a fairly unusual turn of events for early access games, merely four months later Legends of Amberland is officially released and you can now pick it up for $19.99 or your regional equivalent, not including the 10% release discount.

Here’s a trailer that showcases the game in action:

If you’re interested in the latest fixes and the developers’ short-term plans, you should check out this announcement:

Finally, the game leaves Early Access. After several years of working on this (when I add up all the abandoned prototypes, rewrites, reuse of older code and so on, this would be the longest in development game I made), the game is going to be released. I’m quite happy with the state of the game, of course one could always improve something and could do it for another 10, 20 or even 30 years and one still have the filling something more could be added or improved. But one need to call the end one day and push it out of the door for players to enjoy.

What’s next. First there are some minor things (linguistic check was not fully completed yet, a few images are still missing and some other cosmetic things need to be done, it will be done in versions above 1.00+ during the next 3 months). So please overlook the minor things during next few months, I’m aware of those and those will be dealt with. But other than that the game is complete. There might be some balance tweaks if needed (especially for Hard and Insane difficulties), interface improvements and other minor things, but I will not touch gameplay (quests, story, world, etc), the game is complete in this regard.

Version 1.00 is mostly polish and last minute changes. There is one important change, monsters can’t move through doors now, I believe it adds another layer of thrill and tactics plus it solves some minor problems and inconsistencies.

– [feature] Monsters can no longer move through doors. It is more interesting gameplay wise (danger of monsters preparing an ambush just after the player passes through the door, adds some thrill and more meaning to doors), it’s also more consistent with how the player moves.

– [balance] The last boss made stronger.
– [balance] The Red Knight made stronger.

– [misc] Files cleanup (removed test files that were used during Early Access, this makes the package smaller).

– [design] Watchdog castle enlarged.

– [gfx] New icon for the application.
– [interface] Adjusted checkbox button (made it pixelated like the rest of the UI).

– [fix] Occasionally monsters being able to move through walls.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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