Legend of Grimrock Tentative Release Plans and Updates

Since last time we checked the folks at Almost Human Games have released a few more updates on the official Legend of Grimrock website, including one on their tentative release plans and two progress updates (I, II) for the first-person indie dungeon crawler. Here’s a snippet from the release plans (which they note shouldn’t be taken as promises just yet):

We are currently developing the game on PC-computers like pretty much any developer primarily does regardless of for what platform they are doing the product. And since our company is pretty micro-sized and we’re progressing at break-neck speeds (just the way we like it) we don’t have much bandwidth at the moment for porting the game to support multiple platforms at once. So what we intend to do is get the Windows version of the game shipped first on a 3rd party digital distribution channel and then move on to Mac and iOS platforms (and possibly some others at a later date). We’ve already done some work on iOS/Mac platforms, partly utilizing some freelance programming work, but for now getting to the finish line with these two platforms will have to wait to sometime early next year. We probably could squeeze in more platforms for the initial launch if we wanted to but that would be pretty risky since we’d have less time for polishing the game and we would have to utilize freelancers more which would eat our funds, and therefore our margin of error, quicker. So in a lot of ways this plan is primarily about eliminating risks and going through the path of least resistance and keeping things simple. All of which should result in a better, more polished game for you to play.

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