Legend of Grimrock Previews

We’re diligently working on our own assortment of content for Almost Human’s Legend of Grimrock, but in the meantime I’ll happily point you over to Kotaku and Rock, Paper, Shotgun for a couple of brief previews for the soon-to-be-released indie dungeon crawler. The former features more text than screenshots, so I’ll go ahead and quote from that one:

As advertised, Legend of Grimrock is an old-school dungeon crawler with updated graphics. You either create or accept a pre-made group of four adventures and delve into the depths of a multi-floored dungeon, putting your party at risk on square at a time.

You put the warriors in the front, the caster and rogue in the back. When monsters appear you hightail it to the nearest dead end to make sure nothing sneaks up behind you. You scan the walls for hitting buttons to solve intricate puzzles. You mix potions to cure poison and heal wounds using items scraped from the dungeon floor. You distribute skill points when your characters level up, unlocking skills and enhancing stats. You feed your party chunks of monster meat to survive.

You save often.

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