Legend of Grimrock Interview, Media, and More

It’s surprising to me that Almost Human’s Legend of Grimrock hasn’t shown up on our radar prior to today, as the indie dungeon crawler was announced over a month ago now. But thanks to a tip from Lady Vox about a new interview on RPG France, I’ve since gone through and added the game to our RPG database and filled the image gallery with several pieces of concept art and whatever screenshots I could find on the official website. And for an even better feel of how the game will play, here are a couple of YouTube videos to serve as an introduction to the first-person, party-based RPG:

Impressive stuff.  On to the Q&A:

2) How works the gameplay ? Is it turn-based?

The game is built around grid-based movement and environments, and its corner stones are puzzle solving and realtime combat with melee, ranged weapons and magic. Combat tactics and timing are of essense. CRPG elements such as optimizing the party by character development and equipping the heroes are naturally very important.

6) Will the dungeons be randomly generated?

No. We have experimented with randomly generated dungeons early on but they didn’t fit well with our puzzle oriented level design. Good puzzles have become a rarity in modern CRPGs, a problem which we intend to fix.

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