Legend of Grimrock Development Update, Screenshot

Another development update has hit the official Legend of Grimrock website, and in it we learn about additional levels, spells, monsters, and other assets the team has been adding to the game. Of course, there’s also a screenshot of the Goromorg Temple level, just to keep us tantalized:

‘¢ New levels! Every level needed for the final game now exist (although if inspiration strikes, we might still add some more) and it should take only like a day’s worth of work anymore to have them all in alpha stage. We’ve also revisited some old levels and improved them, including the very beginning of the game.
‘¢ The end game is shaping up. We’ve custom built a lot of content and functionality for it!
‘¢ End cinematic. I could describe this in more detail but somehow I think there’s some spoilers there.
‘¢ A new dungeon environment. It’s a short sentence but trust me, it involves a lot of work!
‘¢ The game now has 14 distinct monsters! All of them are fully animated too. If my brain would work like a marketing person’s, I would have said 16 since that’s the number if you include variants in the calculation. We’ve got a few more in the pipeline at the moment too.
‘¢ A new spell, what ever it is, I’ll never tell! Oh well! Swell. Okay, let’s move on.
‘¢ Automap is in almost final form (and yes you can disable it too if you happen have a pad of graph paper that needs to be filled)
‘¢ This is a little more under-the-hood but still very important: packaging and game launcher have progressed. This means that the game can be distributed and installed on other computers more easily.
‘¢ The game features a marching order (two people on the front, two on the back) and now we’ve got the interface for it to change it while playing.
‘¢ We’ve got food in the game. This has been cooking for a while (ha!) but it’s nearing completion now. We’ve got herbs too with some mystical properties!

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