Layoffs Hit 38 Studios, Project Copernicus Set for 2013

News continues to worsen for 38 Studios, whose recent financial troubles have resulted in layoffs to the studio’s staff, reports Joystiq.  There is a silver lining in that Project Copernicus, the studio’s long-in-development MMO, has been given a projected release date of June 2013, but there’s no news on what plans 38 Studios and Big Huge Games have to make that happen.

On Friday Gov. Chafee held a surprise press conference about 38 Studios, in which he said the government was done providing easy money for the developer, and gave “Project Copernicus” a launch window of June 2013.

WPRI reporter Ted Nesi told Joystiq that Gov. Chafee confirmed the layoffs, but was ambiguous about whether employees at the studio were being paid.

38 Studios continues to remain silent and has not made any official statement about anything since this whole mess started early last week. According to the AP, 38 Studios founder Curt Schilling brushed past reporters on his way out of the meeting this evening, saying there was “misinformation” he couldn’t clear up in a sound bite.

Here’s hoping those affected are able to get back on their feet quickly.

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Eric Schwarz
Eric Schwarz
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