Late Night Equipment Update

I’m really starting to make progress through my pile of equipment screenshots, having already posted up hundreds of items from the game. This update includes several powerful daggers, gauntlets, scimitars, and wands, and even includes the elusive Salve of “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Black Pudding!” =). Enjoy.

Updated Pages: Daggers (includes Ancient Dwarven Ceremonial Dagger, Borea’s Blood, Dagger of Angels, Dagger of Magus, Dagger of Ritual, and Delvendoor’s Chisel), Gauntlets (includes Gauntlets of Necromancy, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Gauntlets of Ogre Size, and Gloves of Steadiness), Salves (includes Salve of “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Black Pudding!” and Salve of Undead Repair), Scimitars (includes Blade of Larceny and Drakulwyng), Wands (includes Sceptre of Leogans, Wand of Chain Lightning, Wand of Charm Monster, Wnad of Cloudkill, Wand of Cold, Wand of Command, Wand of Cone of Cold, Wand of Cure Serious Wounds, and Wand of Mass Suggestion)

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