Last Weeks Top Games and Lessons

Ah, “We are time’s subject’s, and time bids be gone.” as the bard once said, or to put it another way, we’re all time’s bitch and yet another week has passed. Another seven days of thumb-busting, cramp inducing gaming on everything from consoles to mobiles. Everyone carrying the title Zombie Chimp learns and grows with every game we play.

Unbelievably fleeting we cant possibly hope to play them all, so fate rather cruelly forces us to choose, and these are the games that we chose to fill up those spare hours.

It’s more than that though. Each gaming experience brings new insights and lessons, plus the chance to improve and better-oneself, and they’re all there too.

So, ultimately what I’m saying is, read the below to see what we’ve been playing.



What have I been playing?
Well, it’s been a Blizzard week for me, with the release of World of Warcraft expansion legion and season Two competitive mode in Overwatch. I haven’t had much time for anything else.

What’s My Biggest Achievement?
I completed all my Overwatch placement matches and came in at around 2550 which is just smack bang in the middle of the bell curve. Which is in the top 60%. Junkrat FTW

What Did I Learn?
I like to stay far stay far back with Junkrat and throw out a good spread of grenades at a choke point, then when someone tries to sneak up on me from behind, they just happen to stand in my concealed steel trap / concussion mine. KABOOM!



What have I been playing?
It’s actually been quite a slow week in terms of games for me. I mostly just got stuck into the wonderful world of Fallout 4’s final DLC, Nuka World. I still have so much to do with that game but I want to explore everything! I also played a bit more Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and I still love it.

What’s My Biggest Achievement?
Finally getting all the money together so I can build my new PC. I have wanted to get myself new rig for a while so I’m looking forward to building one. I’ve done all my research and I think I have found all the right parts and some decent prices. I might even write an article about it once I get it.

What Did I Learn?
I’ve learned that if you want raiders to like you, first you have to kill their boss. Then you have to just make sure you do whatever makes them happy. Equally, if you don’t feel like helping the raiders at Nuka World, you can always kill Gage at the very start and help the traders instead. Mostly what I gained from playing this week is that games really do work when they make a world that is believable; a world that is immersive.




What have I been playing?
I’ve been playing exclusively Overwatch this week. More specifically, Overwatch’s Competitive Season 2.

What’s My Biggest Achievement?
My biggest achievement is probably ranking up to Diamond. I was placed in the 2700’s after playing support only, and managed to climb the 300 ranking points to the next tier. Most games I played Mercy, but my Zenyatta and D.Va saw quite a bit of use as well.

What Did I Learn?
I learned that there were some tweaks done to the determining factors of POTG. If a Mercy manages to get a big enough Res, she is almost guaranteed to get Play of the Game. My two and three mans were chosen over 5 man Reaper Ults, and a four man ressurections would always get it, unless there was a better Res in one of the matches.



What have I been playing?
Battlefield 1

What’s My Biggest Achievement?
Shooting down a bi-plane with a tank shell.

What Did I Learn?
WW1 physics are not too different from BF4 physics. The only difference is jets vs propellers and angle drop per shell type.


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