Last Night’s Region Crashes

Sanya made a post on Camelot Herald earlier today that addresses last night’s crashing issues with certain regions. Here’s what she had to say:

    Those of you out on the frontiers last night noticed some crashing between 11 PM and 12 AM EST. Here’s why:

    This patch, we introduced code that allowed archers to be interrupted after they had drawn and held the arrow, but before they actually fired. Last night, if another player (correction 4:10 PM – another player, OR a monster) happened across an archer at that point in the firing process and successfully interrupted him, the region would crash. This is why some servers seemed to have more crashes than others, yet some servers experienced no problems at all. It was NOT related to server load, or population.

    This bug was fixed around midnight EST. I am really sorry about the inconvenience – it was deeply, deeply annoying. I would know how frustrating it was at the various raids, by the way, I was at one of them. =)

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