Laser League Brings Hyper-Fast Multiplayer to 2018

505 Games have teamed up with Roll7 to bring you a lightning fast multiplayer experience for 2018. Roll7 famous for the award-winning OlliOlli series and NOT A HERO are already elbow-deep in developing an intense 4v4 arcade-style multiplayer.  Laser League puts you and three team mates into the exhilarating contact sport of 2150, known rather obviously as Laser League.

The basic premise is to control the various coloured nodes that emit deadly energy on to the arena floor that can be aimed towards the opposite team. This rather deadly energy has to be avoided by the players, using all their strength, speed and cunning.

Piqued your interest? Take a look at the trailer.

When 505 Games saw Laser League, they went on record to say how much they loved it…

“We have admired and enjoyed Roll7’s work from afar ever since the first OlliOlli game,” said Tim Woodley, senior vice president of brand and marketing, 505 Games. “When we saw the first prototype for Laser League, we could already feel that all-too-rare ‘just one more go’ impulse. We jumped at the chance to help Roll7 take their proven studio to the next level and realize their ambitions for Laser League.”

Laser League Game View Hao Dong 2 Screenshot

So, with already a badge of approval from 505 Games, what else is under the bonnet of this frantically fast multiplayer?

– Online and local multiplayer options

– Defensive and offensive power-ups

– Range of abilities to help drive your team to success

– Easily accessible to new players

– Rewards dedication and skill

Laser League Game View Hao Dong Screenshot

Laser League will be joining the Steam Early Access program this summer, followed by a launch on PC, xBox One and Playstation 4 in 2018.

Find out more info when it happens from their social media…




If you’re eager to take a closer look at Laser League head over to the Laser League official site and sign up now for a chance to be part of the upcoming Beta test and Early Access.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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