Large Batch of X-Men Legends Reviews

Whew! This weekend brought us a host of new reviews for X-Men Legends, all of which are on the positive side. The first is over at GameSpy with an overall score of 4.5/5:

If you’re in any way a fan of the franchise, you should run out and buy X-Men Legends right now. There’s a lot of content to keep you busy for quite a while, and I can guarantee that you’ll find things that will put a smile on your face. If you aren’t a fan, it’s still worth checking out, especially if you enjoy hack and slash dungeon-crawlers. It’s nice to see that everyone’s favorite mutants are finally getting a chance to shine. Now, if only we could do something about The Justice League…

The second is at UGO with an overall score of “A-“:

The X-Men series has finally found a place to really shine in X-Men Legends. The action-RPG element really gave Raven Soft the ability to expand on the characters and give you more control than you’ve ever had over them. The addition of little things like HDTV support don’t hurt, either. All in all, a very solid game, and one that you can truly enjoy. This is definitely one to sink some time into. I still do; I’m playing the same levels with different characters to see the outcome. Anyway, here’s to another fine Activision game!

The third is at eToyChest with an overall score of 85%:

X-Men Legends has the markings of a game that not only will appeal to fans of the franchise, but to casual and hard-core gamers as well. It has unlockables, a lengthy gameplay experience, a well-told story, and enough fun to make it stand out in an already somewhat crowded genre. There are some AI issues, and the multiplayer component seems like it was tacked on as an afterthought, but, as a total package, Legends delivers. It is as true to the source material as any game could hope to be, and as a long-time fan of the X-Men, I am more than pleased.

The fourth is at ActionTrip with an overall score of 90/100:

X-Men: Legends is a game that anyone can enjoy. Comic book fans will love the attention to detail that has been paid to their long-time mutant heroes. Gamers will love the action, graphics, the RPG elements of customizing their team and the ability to sit down and fight bad guys with your friends.

X-Men: Legends is a worthy addition to anyone’s game library.

And the fifth is at Gaming-Age with an overall score of “B+”:

Activision and Raven Software have produced what long time X-Men fans have been craving since video games have existed; a well done game based on the X-Men licensed. Like Treyarch’s handling of the Spider-Man series, Raven Software has also done justice to Marvel’s X-Men universe. Aside from some minor issues, the game overall is extremely fun and also features a great, though challenging, multiplayer mode.

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