Knights of the Old Republic Review

IGN XBox has posted an enthusiastic review of Star Wars: KotOR. The game gets high marks in all areas with only a couple minor quibbles here and there. In the end, the four page review gives the game a rating of 9.5 overall. Here is the summary of the article:

Closing Comments

Knights of the Old Republic is an outstanding game because it covers every single angle in terms of audience expectations. It’s got enough Star Wars to satisfy the fans and enough pure fun to draw in people who normally wouldn’t get into role-playing games. You’ll see this on several Game of the Year nomination lists if not at the very top soon enough.

Put this up there with Halo, Splinter Cell and any other Xbox game that kept you up way too late or caused you to neglect your loved ones. It grabs you early on by giving your character some cool toys to play with and some familiar Star Wars critters to welcome you back and next thing you know you’ve got a space ship, a light saber, a wookie and a droid. With Knights of the Old Republic, the galaxy is yours, get out there and get some.

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