Knights of the Chalice – Steam Release Date Announced

Heroic Fantasy Games’ Pierre Begue is currently trying to get a Kickstarter campaign for Knights of the Chalice II up and running in order to fund the development of additional adventure modules for his Dungeons & Dragons-inspired RPG. But in the meantime, the original Knights of the Chalice is heading to Steam, which is great news for those of you who would like to experience this impressive party-based RPG without having to go through the studio’s website.

The Steam release is set for August 23, 2019. If you’re not sure what Knights of the Chalice is all about, you can find a couple of promotional trailers here, and check out the game’s description below:

Knights of the Chalice is a 2D RPG with turn-based combat for Windows. The game uses the OGL 3.5, the set of rules at the root of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, a role-playing game from Wizards of the Coast. Create a party of four adventurers, explore the Crimson Coast of Mindrel and fight valiantly against the evil Council of the Slaver Lords, domineering Giants, fiendish Demons and scheming Dragons.

  • Turn-based, party-based tactical combat similar to that found in the old Dark Sun Shattered Lands game made by SSI and in Troika’s Temple of Elemental Evil.
  • User-friendly interface. Launch a charge, full-attack or coup-de-grace with a single click – the computer will automatically look for the best option available.
  • Well-developed artificial intelligence. Enemies act as a group and use special actions like Grapple or Charge and tactics like taking a five-foot step before casting Maximised Fireball.
  • Omnipresent help files and clear in-game feedback (a feature also found in Temple of Elemental Evil) on the results of each dice roll, saving throw, attack roll, modifiers, etc.
  • 175 magic spells, most of which were taken from, or inspired by, Wizard of the Coast’s open game content. The list of spells is available from the developer’s website.
  • Craft your own weapons and apply enchantments like Wounding, Speed, Flaming Burst and Keen. The lists of weapon enchantments and feats are in the developer’s website.
  • Multiple-choice dialogue allowing you to resolve situations in unexpected ways.
  • A large campaign largely inspired by the classic Dungeons & Dragons modules Scourge of the Slave Lords and Against the Giants.
  • Enjoy collecting 100 Steam achievements designed to challenge the best tacticians.

Free Demo/Tutorial: this is a unique adventure.

A haunted forest. Strange ruins. The villagers call this place “Devil’s Lair”. The ruins may be dead, so they say, but the sinister, malevolent creatures that lurk underneath most certainly are not.

Tightening your packs, you reflect upon this. The devil’s lair, Hah! How could any self-respecting adventurer shy away from the golden opportunity? In this short adventure, the player characters are pre-created and start at level 3.

For more information, please visit the developer’s website. Thank you for reading!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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