King’s Bounty: Warriors of the North Reviews

We have rounded up a couple of new reviews for the latest King’s Bounty, Warriors of the North, which has garnered an arguably positive reception so far.

GameInformer, 7.75/10.

Outside of the tightly constrained availability of troops and prevalence of undead enemies in the first third of the game, this is easily the best King’s Bounty to date. Something is going to have to change eventually, and the legacy issues like boss fights and recruitment tedium get less acceptable every year, but I’m still having a blast with Warriors of the North. Whether you’re new to the series or a 300-hour veteran, there’s much to recommend here. I just hope I’m not writing these same things next year.

Hooked Gamers, 7.8/10.

Not much of what I have written so far will be much of a surprise to fans of the series. It is most certainly an evolution rather than a revolution, but that is not a bad thing at all. When I talked to the developers at Gamescom this year, they mentioned that one of their playtesters had a game which had lasted 80 hours, and he still had not finished it. It is very easy to see people putting a lot of time into King’s Bounty: Warriors of the North. The early part of the game lacks variety, with limited troops at your disposal and repetitive combat against an AI which is not actually that intelligent. New players may be put off by that. However if all you want is more King’s Bounty after playing the previous games in the series, then that is certainly what you will get.

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