Kingdoms of Amalur Sold by Rhode Island

Develop is reporting that the state of Rhode Island has managed to find a buyer for the assets claimed in the liquidation of 38 Studios, the developer that brought us Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning early last year. The collapse of 38 Studios and the subsequent legal troubles between the defunct studio and the Rhode Island government was well-documented, but this announcement might mean that we could see another Kingdoms of Amalur game in the future.

Given that the title sold well enough and 38 Studios only went out of business due to costs generated by the development of their unreleased Amalur MMO, it would have been hard to think that the franchise would be abandoned so quickly.

Who knows what the value ultimately will be, but there is interest in the assets.” said Providence lawyer Richard J. Land.

“The state is currently involved in a lawsuit against certain executives, including 38 Studios founder and former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling, claiming they withheld information about the company’s financial situation.”

The loan could have cost the state as much as $130 million after interest.

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Eric Schwarz
Eric Schwarz
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