Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Community Q&A #7

We’ve grown accustomed to Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning’s weekly community Q&As at this point, and this Wednesday, just as customary for 38 Studios’ team, the seventh installment has been published on their forums, in which the dev team tackles subjects such as enemies, dungeons, the title’s own Big Huge Engine and more. Here’s a sampling:

Q: So, are enemies native to certain areas? For example, are Ettins are only found in Dalentarth? Because in your demos I’ve seen a Banshaen in both Dalentarth and near Rathir, so I’m just wondering are there going to be certain enemies and animals in certain areas, or are all of the enemy going to spread out all over the world so you can find any type of enemy anywhere? By Equinox

A: While we don’t necessarily restrict enemy encounters to specific zones (i.e. only Ettins in Ettinmere), they do tend to be themed around their physical surroundings and the narrative of an area. Banshaen, for example, tend to be aquatic little buggers so expect to see them around coasts, lakes and swamps. When building the world, we try to give you visual cues so you have an idea of what you’ll be up against. Some are obvious, the skull bedecked stick huts tend to be the homes of Ettins, while webs in a cul-de-sac stink of spiders. Often there are more subtle clues for the careful observer that may foretell what they are in for. And sometimes you just need to be wary of where you step!

However, don’t get too comfortable matching creatures up with certain areas! Our world is big enough that you might find a pocket of fiends lurking about the desert or deep forest, just waiting to catch you unawares. It’s even possible you’ll find a Niskaru in a flower-filled glade, home to butterflies and dappled with sunshine.. By Jessica “Meridian” Hara Campbell, Principal World Designer

Q: How long will some of the dungeons take to complete? Are some of the dungeons maze-like and confusing? By Fluent

A: The dungeons we create range in size, however there are plenty of larger-sized spaces for those who love a good dungeon crawl. I wouldn’t put an exact time on how long it would take to complete one because there are too many variables based on your level, Destiny, types of enemies, and even the player’s individual playstyle (for example, I am an investigative player, so I might play much slower than others as I seek out every little inch of a dungeon and look for all the loot).

There can be a few dungeons that may riddle your brain, but there is always a way out. You may want to be on the lookout for places where you can jump or detect hidden doors. Oftentimes, these types of additions to our dungeons will help the player exit back out of the space gracefully, so there won’t be too much backtracking. Fae Hollows dungeons in particular may get rather “maze-like” due to the large amount of vines and overgrowth there. Some of them might give you the feeling of wandering around a lush forest. Their beautiful lighting, along with a strong influence of magical energy, will pull you in. By Kitty “Neko” Hughes, Level Designer

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