King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame II Preview

A new preview for Paradox and Neocore Games’ King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame II has surfaced recently, courtesy of the editors at Cheat Code Central, who offer us some impressions for the upcoming title. Here’s a generous sampling of the article:

Players will once again command massive amounts of troops across a fantasy version of early Britain. However, King Arthur II is running on a brand new engine developed in-house that allows for even larger armies. I was told by the good people at Paradox that the new engine can support 3,000-4,000 troops on a battlefield at a time. This makes for some very impressive battle scenes.

But even this vast amount of troops wouldn’t be all that exciting if all the soldiers were all basically the same. The first game in the series had quite an impressive variety in troops, and King Arthur II adds flying units that can cross terrain much more quickly and are even able to fly over certain structures rather than being forced to go around them. I was shown a battle in which a swarm of dragons literally hundreds of dragons attacked King Arthur’s army. It was fun to just look at, and I can only imagine it being incredibly satisfying to actually play through this scenario.

But you won’t always have to flee in terror when you see a horde of dragons nearby. I was told that there will be some that fight on your side as well. I wasn’t given a whole lot of information on this, but commanding a massive swarm of flying dragons in battle sounds awesome.

Of course, all this focus on dragons (and other mythological creatures) means that King Arthur II is even more heavily based in fantasy than its predecessor. Not only are you fighting against the Fomorians (a race of giants), but there are some pretty wild-looking monsters that you will be tasked with bringing down as well. I saw some pretty freaky-looking creatures roaming about that I can barely even begin to describe.

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