King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame II Preview

GamingLives has put together a short new preview for Paradox and Neocore Games’ sequel to King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame, based on what was shown at E3, which gives us a quick overview of the game’s features and story. Here’s a snippet:

In a great touch, battles are effected by weather conditions and are fought in real time across vast swathes of Britannia, from forests, to open plains. Terrain can be used to the player’s advantage, garnering useful global bonuses and, as such, units are best matched to the right areas. Heavy infantry are fine out in the open, but if you try and use them in forested areas, they won’t fare as well as their lighter counterparts, getting bogged down and losing you any tactical advantage that you may have had. In a tasty addition, the ground is no longer the lone theatre of war, as King Arthur II sees demonic flying units make a sweeping entrance. With the battle now being fought on two levels, you will also have access to aerial units such as dragons, although archers and magical attacks are also effective against flying foes.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a fantasy game without magic and the player has access to a range of spells, with more being unlocked as they progress. In a feature which brought to mind C&C: Generals’ Super-Weapons, the player will have access to a number of incredibly powerful spells, which, left unchecked, can deliver severe damage to your army. These spells take time to power and cast, meaning that you have to get to the enemy and interrupt them somehow, before hell is unleashed. More spells and bonuses, along with units, gold, artefacts, and heroes, can be unlocked with progress thanks to the game’s morality system. As is fast becoming the norm, player choice is key to how the gameplay progresses, and decisions will influence your morality, earning you points. You can be a tyrant king, or kind and righteous, following either the old ways or the new religion of Christianity, and how you play will earn morality points and expand the ‘˜morality chart’ into new areas, unlocking bonuses and extras as you go.

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