King Arthur: Fallen Champions Review

For those of you that are wondering whether to spend $9.99 for the strategy/role-playing hybrid interquel King Arthur: Fallen Champions at the moment this review from Bit-tech might be of help, and would probably convince you to save your money, considering the negative opinions contained within it and the 45% score.

In its defence, Fallen Champions has one or two memorable missions – it’s undeniably fun when you’re sitting atop a hill with a pair of Unseelie Queens, an almost limitless supply of manna and a horde of enemies rushing at you. These moments are few and far between, though, and they’re not nearly enough to make up for the lack of thought in other areas.

We could sound naïve in our criticism here; of course this cheap expansion has less scope than the full game, what were we expecting for £8? To say this is to miss the point, though – Neocore seems to have completely misunderstood what made King Arthur great. It’s stripped out all the parts of the game that made it loveable and left a watered down, medieval Dawn of War II wannabe in its place. We just hope that Fallen Champions isn’t an indication of what’s to come from King Arthur 2.

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