King Arthur: Fallen Champions Review

The latest review for King Arthur: Fallen Champions, the budget downloadable bridge between the first and second King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame, comes from Destructoid, and the reviewer is clearly not enthused with the title, which is reflect in the score: a meager 4/10.

The fact that over half of the game’s content relies on the awful combat really ruins this expansion. In the original game, you could just auto-resolve the battles and keep playing the fun questing part of the game. You can’t do that here.

In one mission, you have an army of ghosts at your disposal. There is a day and night cycle during the mission, and your ghost army will burn if they are exposed to daylight. You have to protect them by moving them into a magical circle, which should be fairly easy. Nope, it’s not. Your units don’t move to the spot where you tell them to go, and they’ll walk right past it. They’ll happily move outside the circle randomly and burn to death. In another level, there are fire that you can light to kill and split up the enemy army, but you’ll probably kill your own units too when they randomly walk into the flaming inferno.

While I really enjoyed the original game, and I think it’s one of PC gaming’s lovely little gems, I can’t recommend this expansion to anyone. If you haven’t played King Arthur, then you won’t really enjoy this a whole lot, and if you have played it you’ll just think of how much better it is than this weird expansion. I recommend that you check out the original game if you haven’t played it, and if you have played it you should just wait for King Arthur 2 to come out.

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